E001 - Turner's Cube

The Turner's Cube model is created by following the concepts from the below YouTube tutorial,

Key dimensions for creating this model are,
Cube 200 x 200 x 200 mm
Cylinder with Radius = 31.25 and Depth = 75 mm
Cylinder with Radius = 62.5 and Depth = 50 mm
Cylinder with Radius = 93.75 and Depth = 25 mm

Created Version-1 using Part Workbench and applying boolean Cut function.

Unable to rotate the model about z-axis, as a result, could not capture the screenshots in different position to create GIF.

Created Version-2 using Parts Design Workbench and Sketcher. The cube was positioned symmetric in all 3 planes. 

The below GIF image was created by rotating the model in z-axis and taking screenshots for every 5° rotation.