E002 - Whiffle Ball

The Whiffle Ball model is created by following the concepts from the below YouTube tutorial,

This author in the video has used FreeCAD Version 0.14, and hence some of the operations demonstrated in this video are no longer valid in FreeCAD Version 0.18. I will try to release a detailed procedure I have taken to create this model soon....

Key dimensions for the various shapes used in Parts Workbench are,

Cube-1 = 90 x 90 x 90 mm
Cube-2 = 80 x 80 x 80 mm
Cylinders, Radius = 27.5, Height = 90 mm

Using Part Design Workbench create a Sketch and draw a triangle using polyline in XZ plane,
Set Hypotenuse = 56 mm, Set right angled corner point to 65 mm from Z-axis and 50 mm from X-axis.
Rotate the sketch object by 45 to position at the edge of the cube.
Pad the sketch by 60 mm symmetrical to the plane

Duplicate this body with sketch, 8 times and re-position to cut each corners of the cube.